

Merry Christmas To You, Too, Lowe's!

She Says:

So we spend A LOT of money (and time) at our local Lowe's store.  Like every day.  Often more than once a day.  We knew it was bad a couple of weeks ago when the cashier stopped asking us for the last four digits on our credit card because she had them memorized.  True story.

Anyhoo, today was an especially rough day.  We had just gotten home from our second Lowe's trip of the day, when HoneyDo blew a fuse on the HVAC system.  It was 8:00 pm.   We had to fix it tonight because a cold front just moved through, and the forecast was for the low 20's.  We headed out the front door and were met on the front porch by the UPS guy.  He brought us this:

Yep.  Lowe's sent us a Christmas present.

A paint can full of chocolate chip cookies.

I guess they wanted to thank us for single-handedly funding their pensions this year.

We made our third trip of the day to Lowe's.  We got our fuse, HoneyDo replaced it, and we're nice and snug and warm tonight, enjoying the world's most expensive chocolate chip cookies.

Merry Christmas to you, too, Lowe's!

He says:

I touched two of the thermostat wires together because I was in a hurry, and I blew the 3 amp automotive type fuse inside the air handler unit in the attic.  Ugh.  Thank goodness Lowe's carries those too!


  1. I was going to send you a paint can full of cookies. Lowe's beat me to it. Oh well, I'll have to think of something else.

  2. I'm going to have to come back here frequently; I love home improvement. How sweet of Lowe's to gift you with a little treat! (even if you did singlehandedly fund some employee pensions)

    Happy WW!
